Physical Stores
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About us
At Stranger Greens we understand the importance of offering products that not only meet but exceed consumer expectations. Our products are developed with the highest standards. Here are mainly reasons why our partnership can upgrade your stores product portfolio:
- Unrivaled Quality:
Our hemp is grown using sustainable and organic practices, ensuring a product of unrivaled quality.
- Health Benefits:
Extensive research supports the benefits of cannabis, from pain management to stress relief.
- Profitability:
Beyond the health benefits, our partnership offers an opportunity for significant profit margins.
Our team is available for a meeting to discuss how our partnership can be tailored to your pharmacy’s unique needs.

Building strong, direct connections through trusted partners to ensure quality and reliability at every step. e-food, Wolt, Box Now (same day delivery)
Free Shipping
Free Shipping
over 70€
Easy Shoping
Our platform was designed with user-friendliness in mind. Easily find the products you are looking for through a clean and organized layout, without unnecessary clutter
Product categories
THCP flowers
“THCP flowers” refers to cannabis flowers containing THCP, or tetrahydrocannabinophore, a recently identified cannabinoid compound. THCP was discovered in 2019 and appears to have a stronger effect than THC, the main psychoactive cannabinoid in cannabis. It may offer more pronounced or different effects compared to other cannabis compounds.
The highest quality vapes. Designed to provide deep tranquillity and a gentle sensation to both mind and body. Their balanced effects that start with cerebral clarity that improves mood and focus before transitioning into a soothing body relaxation make them the perfect tool for relief of daily stresses.
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Χρήση κανναβιδιόλης (CBD) από ενήλικες μεγαλύτερης ηλικίας για οξύ και χρόνιο πόνο
Η νομιμοποίηση των προϊόντων κανναβιδιόλης (CBD) έχει πυροδοτήσει το ενδιαφέρον

Αξιολόγηση των επιπτώσεων του προσδόκιμου κανναβιδιόλης (CBD) στο οξύ στρες και το άγχος σε υγιείς ενήλικες: μια τυχαιοποιημένη διασταυρούμενη μελέτη
ΛογικήΗ κανναβιδιόλη (CBD) έχει αναφερθεί ότι μειώνει το στρες και

Κανναβιδιόλη (CBD) σε Ρευματικές Παθήσεις (Μυοσκελετικός Πόνος)
Σκοπός της αναθεώρησηςΑυτή η ανασκόπηση θα αντιμετωπίσει τις πολλές αβεβαιότητες

The Benefits
No Bad Smell
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More Cost Effective
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Help Quit Smoking
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Safer than Smoking
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Harmless to Around
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Better For Your Health
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Our Best Service
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- Best vape store
- Friendly services
- 100% Quarantee
- Good Prices
- Best product quality
- Many choices of liquids